Saturday, September 19, 2020

a walk on the north side

I took a 20K-step walk with my buddy JW this morning.  The walk took us across the Jamshil Bridge to the northern bank of the Han—a spot I've never visited before.  JW and I walked west toward the Cheongdam Bridge with the intention of crossing back south at that point.  As it turned out, the Cheongdam Bridge, a two-level construction for both cars and subways, didn't have a walkway.  JW had the clever idea of taking the subway one stop as a way to cross the bridge:  we'd get off at Cheongdam Station, walk back over to the river, and finish the walk that way.  So that's what we did.  Here are three shots from today's walk.

Looking down at the river's north bank:

A graffito I'd seen on the south side of the river, reappearing on the north:

The biggest, longest shwimteo I've ever seen (JW in front, black shorts):

I did today's walk without the aid of painkillers, and it was... interesting.  I don't think it's quite time to swear off the drugs.  Is this how Michael Jackson felt?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Long live painkillers. Plenty of good walking north of the Han.