Friday, September 18, 2020

test: pic upload

While my phone is in legacy-Blogger mode when I write entries for my main blog, it switches to new-Blogger mode when I write entries for this blog. That's a bummer. Anyway, I have to train myself on the photo-upload feature if I'm going to be blogging pictures of the walk, so here's my attempt at uploading a series of photos, as I would do when on the trail:

It looks as though I have to learn how to adjust the size of the pic thumbnails; the images are coming out too small, which is one of the reasons why I hate the new Blogger. More soon.

ADDENDUM:  at the office, I went back into this blog entry, right-clicked the images, and made size adjustments to the thumbnails with the menu that appeared. (See the difference between now and a few minutes ago?  I've left one photo unchanged so you can see more clearly what I'm talking about.)  

I had discovered this resizing feature in a previous exploration of the new Blogger.  The problem, now, is that I don't know whether this feature appears in the cell-phone version of the new interface.  If it doesn't, then I won't be able to make thumbnail adjustments until I'm back from this walk.  In the meantime, you, the reader, can click on each thumbnail to enlarge it, so I think you'll still be getting more or less the full visual experience of the walk.

[We're all clear that a "thumbnail" refers to a small version of a larger image, ja?  In blogging, you often click on a thumbnail to see the full-size image.  What I'm talking about, in this context, is the difference between unpleasantly small thumbnails that make you squint and larger thumbnails that are easier on the eye.  In the art world, a thumbnail is a small, usually preliminary sketch of something larger to be drawn or painted. unhelpfully defines this sort of thumbnail as "a small, rough dummy"—a definition that itself needs to be unpacked.  The image puts me in mind of a fight-prone, idiotic dwarf in a bar.]

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