Sunday, September 27, 2020

from shaggy to shorn

The walk has come at an awkward time for when I normally get a haircut.  I generally visit the barber about once every six weeks.  By that point, the close-shaven hair above my ears has grown long enough to tickle my earlobes, and that's when I know it's time to get shorn.  This time around, I decided to let my hair go two extra weeks so I could get my haircut right before departure (I leave for Incheon today, i.e., Sunday afternoon).  I told the barber to cut it "very short," thinking he might do a soldier-style buzz cut, but I think the hair is still a bit too long.  No matter; it'll do.  The hair will be under a bandanna the whole time, anyway, so I'm not worried about the aesthetics of the situation.

And here's the before/after shot:

Let's see whether the "upload video" function works. If it does, I may have something more to offer you, media-wise, this time around. 

UPDATE:  well, holy frijole—it works!  And it's not too hard to do, either, although a six-second video takes nearly a minute to upload from my phone to the blog—and that's with a decent Wi-Fi connection (for the phone, I mean; my laptop is physically connected to the internet).  I shudder to think of how long a minute-long video might take to upload.  Yikes.  Anyway, this is like a new superpower for me, and while I'm still not okay with most of the "new Blogger" interface, functionality like this goes a long way to making me hate the new Blogger less.  There's also a YouTube option:  I can upload videos to YouTube from my phone, then (I think) embed those videos in a blog post.  For now, I don't plan to do any YouTube-embedding, but since I now know I can upload my own recorded videos directly from my phone, I might provide you all with occasional videos—all less than a minute long—that offer some sort of Insight or Goofy Thought of the Day.  We'll see how that works.  I expect a rough start, but I also expect things to smooth out as I tentatively begin my vlogging career.


John Mac said...

Alright, I'm ready to go. Let's get started!

Good luck to you. I'm looking forward to the adventure.

Kevin Kim said...

Many thanks. Shoving off for Incheon later today!