Monday, September 21, 2020

date change!

The proofreading I'm doing at work is taking way longer than expected:  I'm about a half-day behind.  I talked with my boss this afternoon and proposed moving my travel dates forward by two days:  that would put me on the same schedule as last year:  September 28 to October 26.  That's still 29 days on the path, so nothing else is changing.  You can see my itinerary and travel dates here; the Korean-language text is basically the names of the waypoints throughout the trip.  Run them through Google Translate to amuse yourself if you want.

Shifting the dates forward two days works fine for me; it's what I'd wanted to do, anyway, because that'll mean fewer days having to contend with still-warm daytime weather.  This time around, I'll be departing on a Monday instead of a Saturday (last year, September 28 was a Saturday).  That ought to mean fewer people on the path from the get-go... although even on weekdays, the Han River path can be very crowded with early-morning bikers (and walkers).

Now, at least, I have time to finish my proofreading, so that's a little pressure off.  It's been intense for the past week or so; I just spent both weekend days in the office—about ten hours each day—so I'm pooped, and I'm definitely looking forward to being on the trail, where life is focused and simple.


Daniel said...

Nice itinerary. Recommend speaking in the medicinal hope springs in 수안보/괴산 (believe you feasted on pheasant meat there the last time). Definitely helps with the pain! Most of the motels have massive 가족탕s built in.

Kevin Kim said...


Daniel said...

Typo. Soaking in the medicinal hot springs

Kevin Kim said...

Ha ha—no problem. I figured out what you meant. I'm guessing you're typing on a touch screen of some sort, and you're contending with an overzealous auto-complete function. Phone? Pad? Certainly not an old-school keyboard. Using the Swype function with your haptic interface? When I use Swype, I get fucked-up, unintended words all the time.