Wednesday, October 21, 2020

testes, testes—1, 2... 3

I've managed to upload all the walk pics from my phone to Google Drive thanks to this motel's fast and stable WiFi connection.  The next step is to see about populating my older posts with full-scale photo essays.  Google Drive is finicky; linking to images stored in Drive is possible, but something of a chore because you have to jump several hurdles to do it.  Instead, I plan to grab a folderful of pics, download them to this computer's desktop, then mass-upload them into each blog post.  Each folder represents a day's worth of photos, and I have folders spanning a date range from October 3 to October 20 (yesterday).

My goal is to try and get as many folders/days uploaded into Blogger as possible before I have to leave Namji-eup.  So I'm going to go out soon, get lunch and a snack, then get right to work with the uploading.

Watch this space.  Assuming the operation is successful, I'll let you know, in this post, how many updates I get through today.  This desktop computer, unlike the WiFi connection, is slow and unstable; I've already been kicked out of Chrome several times this morning.  I'm also not sure whether this is the sort of motel computer that wipes its own memory every time the power is turned off and back on.  I think that that's a virus/malware countermeasure, not to mention a way to protect people's privacy (any dick pics you leave on the desktop get erased—I'm talking to you, Jeffrey Toobin, and yes, I'm keeping up with the pre-election news).  Upshot:  I might have to re-download and re-install Chrome after lunch because I have to take my motel key card with me, and the card, when inserted in my room's power slot, completes a circuit that allows the room to have electricity.  No electricity for the computer = instant shutdown, and a shutdown could mean the erasure of my downloads.  See what I'm dealing with?

More soon.  Stay thou tunèd for updates here.

UPDATE 1:  October 3 post now updated with a photo essay and some commentary.  I'll add more commentary later; right now, my priority is slapping up the images.

UPDATE 2:  October 4 post now updated.

UPDATE 3:  October 5 post now updated.

UPDATE 4:  October 6 post now updated.

UPDATE 5:  October 7 post already has its full complement of photos.

UPDATE 6:  the browser, already antsy and unstable, has repeatedly crapped out when I've tried to upload the October 8 photos, so I guess I'm stopping here.  Sorry not to do more, but it's long, tedious work, and I'm using an unreliable computer.  So I'm gonna relax, look over my route for the next three days, and stay off my feet.  Good night, and see you on the trail tomorrow morning.


daeguowl said...

You should be able to insert any card in the slot; not just your room card.

Kevin Kim said...

Yeah, I was wondering about that. I guess that holds true for card-shaped slots, but not so much for keychain-shaped slots.